Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Watch this Video!

Day in the China Life

Disclaimers: Sorry if it's blurry! When I uploaded it, I think that messed things up. Maybe don't watch it in full screen for that reason. Also, I am no videographer... I just wanted to capture this so I can always remember the little details of my day. So it's not the best quality, don't judge me!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS this was such a cute video and was so fascinating to see your life over there! The kids are too cute and the lesson plans look so fun! and what a beautiful environment!

  2. Great video Brynn! Fun to see a video of 'a day in the life of Teacha Brynn.'

  3. The whole family loved this video!!

  4. Well thanks everyone :) I am so glad you all enjoyed it!
